Sailing is most definitely a weather business. When it comes to sailing, nobody, especially the Captain himself, allergic to rain, wants to put a smile on his face and pretend he's having a good time sailing IN the rain. Or if there's no wind? Lot's of luck with that, btw, trying to sail when there's no wind. (That's not "motor-sailing." That's "motoring," something you didn't ask or pay for.) And too much wind? Who needs that!
So, we're on your side. We feel our cancellation policy, reading weather, is the most forgiving of all our competitors on the island.
There will always be a better day. Here's some more good news. SHort erm weather forecasting has become exceedingly accurate over he years. It's true, the ten day forecast isn't nearly so accurate as the next day's radar forecast. The further into the future the less accurate the forecast. But it's all a lot better than what it used to be.
For what it's worth, and to help you plan a great sail and party for you and your friends check out our link to MENEMSHA WEATHER by clicking on the button below.
Having said all this, you don't need the sun o make for a grea sailing day. You need the wind...and nott oo much of i.
Here's something else to consider. Martha's Vineyard being an island surrounded by water, its local topography could have a surprising effect as to where on the island it might be raining. Someimes i's raining cats and dogs all day long down island while he sun's shining a good part of he day in Menemsha...and vice versa. So don' be fooled waking up in Edgarown to gray skies and the sound of rain hinking your reserved sail will undoubtedly be called off in Menemsha sail mus be off in Menemsha. i's rainingThere are some caveats, however. Some that you may not like nor are willing to agree to. So we want to get them out in the open.
First of all, and this is a big one, the captain, not the paying customer, reserves the right and will be the one to ultimately make the decision whether or not the weather is appropriate for sailing.
My clicking on the button below indicates that I have read, understand, accept and agree to abide by the policies expressed herein and heretofore on this website regardin any and all contractual terms and conditions by which I must comply for sailing purposes.
Files coming soon.